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"Instant oats are often much higher in sugar, fat and salt and are no longer low GI due to extra processing," adds Burbaitzky.Healthy Alternative: Rolled Oats
"With store bought burgers you’ll get a standard high fat, high sodium (salt) mix with no added micronutrients from vegetables or seeds. There is a great chance it may contain refined white flour which has been stripped of all its fibre," explains Sanzul.Healthy Alternative: Make Your Own Burgers and avoid processed meat.
"Sodas, fruit juice, vitamin water, flavoured water are high in sugar and therefore high in calories. The problem is when we drink them we don’t adjust our necessary calories from food for the day in order to compensate for those consumed when drinking an SSB. Rather drink water and eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice," explains Burbaitzky.A lot of people are still under the impression that drinking good quality fruit juice is a good replacement for eating fruit, however, this is really not the case.
"I often get a very surprised response when telling clients that fruit juice has a high sugar content. They try explain that they’re drinking juice made with “100% real fruit” and “no added sugar” but these again are marketing strategies intended to repel the consumer from looking at the nutrition labels on packages (fruit juice can contain around 8 teaspoons of sugar in a 330ml can, not to mention the flavourants and preservatives added)," expresses Sanzul.Healthy Alternative: Water or Unsweetened Rooibos Tea
"Powdered milk alternatives contain very little nutritional value and are high in sugar and hydrogenated vegetable fats which are linked to obesity, heart disease and inflammation," confirms Burbaitzky.Rather opt for a fresh approach and purchase milk products that have an expiry date, rather than those with added preservatives. Healthy Alternative: Fresh Milk
"These processed foods are usually manufactured with palm kernel oils (saturated fats) in high amounts."These foods are better known as convenience foods, rather than healthy foods as they add little nutrition to your diet. Healthy Alternative: Homemade Meal
"These companies glamourize their products and make it sound like the right choice. Even those who are educated, get caught up in the bright lights and sounds of a well marketed product. These advertisements are usually purposefully misleading, for example Milo boasts it contains Iron – what is fails to say is that it the iron in Milo is poorly absorbed by the body (due to its chemical structure which is different from, let’s say fish) and its absorption is extremely poor when mixed with calcium."Another reason is due to the convenience of the product satisfaction. The fact that you can go to a shop and purchase something that needs very little to no preparation time at all is perfect for the person on-the-go.
"Many of these foods require very little, if any, preparation or cooking. In today’s world, everybody complains of lack of time to prepare food. This is what makes processed foods so appealing," explains Burbaitzky.
"Food companies have been researching for over fifty years exactly how much sugar, salt and fat to put in our processed food in order to keep people wanting more. This is known as the “bliss point”," explains Burbaitzky.Although these foods aren't good for you, they do undergo a quality control assurance test. These regulations are set out in the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act 54 of 1972. So now that you know some truths about the convenient food choice, let us know your guilty pleasure?
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